DNA Testing Services in Vancouver, WA

DNA Screening in Vancouver: Paternity, Immigration, & More

Affordable, Accurate, Confidential Results


  • *Legal paternity test results in 48 hours
  • National collection site network for out of area testing, including scheduling and shipping of specimens
  • AABB-accredited labs ensuring accuracy and results that meet strict requirements for legal and immigration identity testing requirements
  • Mobile / Onsite collections available (hospitals/NICU, funeral homes)

DNA screening is often requested for judicial, legal, medical, forensic, and business matters. NW Testing provides court-ready DNA testing for the following legal matters:

  • Adding/removing father’s name from a birth certificate
  • Child support claims
  • Child custody hearings
  • Estate matters (inheritance rights)
  • Infidelity cases (divorce proceedings)
  • Life insurance claims
  • Individuals seeking social security or military benefits
  • Immigration
  • Ancestry
  • Paternity
  • Grandparentage
  • Avuncular
  • Siblingship

Forensic DNA Testing

For situations requiring specialized testing, we are able to use alternative specimens such as used toothpicks, cigarette butts, coffee cup lids, straws, used envelopes and many other items in the testing of DNA.

Post-Mortem DNA Testing

In cases that require proof of relationship including deceased individuals, NW Testing provides onsite specimen collections at funeral homes. In situations where the deceased are no longer available for testing, we can also help to facilitate the collection and shipping of specimens with medical examiners and coroners.


Ready to order a test?

Fill out the corresponding form to request a test today.